Investigation of Cross-sections for (α, γ) Reactions on p-nuclei 90Zr, 121Sb, 151Eu, and 162Er using Different Models of Radiative Strength Functions
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In this work, we examine cross sections for (α, γ) reactions on p-nuclei, including 90Zr, 121Sb, 151Eu, and 162Er at astrophysically relevant energies. By using our recently developed α optical model potential (α-OMP), the (α, γ) cross sections were calculated within six models of radiative strength functions (RSF) which consisted of the microscopic HFB-QRPA model based on the BSk-14 Skyrme force, the HF-BCS theory using Skyrme parameters, the EGLO model, SMLO model, the empirical SMLO (SMLOg) and global semi-microscopic (D1M-QRPAg) models. The numerical results is then compared to the measured data of (α, γ) cross sections. For the considered (α, γ) reactions, the EGLO, SMLO, and HFB results are typically greater than the measured data. In addition, the comparison has indicated that the RSF models of SMLOg and D1M-QRPAg best fit the measured data with rms smaller than 0.2 within our proposed α-OMP. Therefore, for the (α, γ) reactions on the selected targets, RSF models of SMLOg and D1M-QRPAg are strongly recommended. The results are significant for a further systematic examination to evaluate which RSF model is most appropriate for studying (α, γ) reactions on p-nuclei in general.
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