Dao Thanh Truong, Nguyen Thi Quynh Anh

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Abstract: As one of the leading countries in rice export, Vietnam has always focused on investing and developing clean and green agriculture with the aim of sustainable development. In addition to traditional farming methods, farmers have gradually approached modern technologies and methods of large-scale goods production. The inter-regional nature between production and agriculture and interdisciplinary interactions between agriculture and services has become increasingly common in Vietnam's major rice production areas such as the Red River Delta and the Mekong Delta. This paper focuses on analyzing the socio-economic-ecological transformation in rice production of Vietnam, adopting the experience of ecological technology application under the framework of the LEGATO project - an interdisciplinary project participated by the Institute of Policy and Management for the period 2011-2016. The results of the project affirmed the importance of combining different research approaches in considering the socio-economic-ecological impacts in ecological technology development of agricultural production in Vietnam

Keywords: Social, ecological and economic transformation, policy, sustainable development, interdisciplinary approach, stakeholders.

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