Dang Thi Tu Anh, Nguyen Phuong Trang, Dinh Hong Van, Dinh Thi Van, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh

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Purple sugar cane is one of the key agricultural products of Hoa Binh Province with a relatively large production area. In recent years, purple sugarcane in the province has not only been consumed domestically but also expanded for export. However, finding a stable output market for this agricultural product in Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province still faces many difficulties. Even though there are production and consumption parameters of a cooperative unit, the scale of the contract is still limited and does not ensure a stable output market. Recognizing that Tan Lac district has suitable conditions to apply the high-tech agricultural cooperation model for purple sugarcane, the article focuses on assessing the current state of production as well as pointing out difficulties and barriers in developing the market for purple sugarcane. From there, combined with lessons learned, the authors proposed the application of a high-tech cooperation model in Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province. The application of this model will help the locality expand consumption market opportunities for purple sugarcane agricultural products.